The Family Law Firm of St. Louis
Why Aranda Law?
In the process of growing the practice, we have helped a lot of clients that have a lot of different particular problems and legal issues that need to be solved. By assisting these clients, Aranda Law has developed a reputation for handling difficult cases. For finding unique solutions. For utilizing the law in a way that best fits your needs and goals.
There are a lot of laws. There are laws in statutes (which are laws passed by the legislature). There is also law found in prior court decisions. These laws tell us, and tell the Court, what it should do in any particular situation.
But, not every lawyer knows all the laws in their particular field. There are many unique and often commonly unused laws and procedures that we have utilized to help clients in the past. Knowledge of the law, and how it works, is often the difference between winning a case and losing a case.
You are looking for an attorney because you know that you can’t handle your case on your own. In the same manner, I can’t handle the case without you. You have all the important facts, text messages, and emails in your possession that we need as evidence as your case. It is essential that we work together so that we can use this information to your advantage.
Family law is also a unique area of law where you might need legal advice at any particular moment in time. You might need help when the other parent isn’t following the court order. Or, you might need help when the other parent is ignoring your text messages about your child’s upcoming soccer game. We absolutely make ourselves available to assist and guide you through these types of scenarios. Text messages, emails, phone calls. The only way to effectively litigate the case is to give you the knowledge you need when faced with these emergency type of scenarios.
We believe that it is our primary job to ensure that you understand, at every stage of the case, your options and your likelihood of success on the goals that have been established. If you understand the concepts and the expectations of the Court, we are better able to ensure that your goals get realized.